January 30 , 2023
Dodging Settlement Privilege |
January 4 , 2023
Lurking Dangers and Errors |
January 3 , 2023
Your Real Goals |
December 5 , 2022
Contracts for Higher Costs |
November 24 , 2022
Scope of Offers to Settle |
October 13 , 2022
Checklist for Cross-Examination |
September 16 , 2022
Reviewing Latest Changes |
August 22 , 2022
First Steps in Problem Solving |
July 28 , 2022
Checklist of Powerful Procedural Principles |
March 22 , 2022
Repeating a Cross-Examination Question
January 25 , 2022
Enforcing Land Sales Becomes Easier |
January 5 , 2022
Proving a Settlement After a Mediation
November 16, 2021
Types of Injunctions
October 1, 2021
Orders After Litigation is Over
August 11, 2021
Discoverability for Limitation Periods
August 5 , 2021
Releases of Claims
June 7 , 2021
Language Used Still Matters
May 17 , 2021
Serving Uncooperative People
April 15 , 2021
Death and After-Life of Contingency Agreements
February 22 , 2021
Legal Analysis
February 2 , 2021
Costs Clarified at Last
January 4 , 2021
December 10, 2020
Traps and Confusion in Service Times
November 24, 2020
Don't Cut Corners
October 2 , 2020
Consent Orders
August 4 , 2020
Electronic Hearings
July 21, 2020
Ceasing to Act
June 29, 2020
Writing Skills
June 29, 2020
Keeping Up With the Law
June 22, 2020
Assets as a Test for Security for Costs
June 19, 2020
What is This Case About?
June 11, 2020
Cross-Examining Child Witnesses
May 20 , 2020
Formal Offers
May 13 , 2020
Vexatious or Self-Represented Litigants
January 7, 2020
G.S.T. and Costs
December 20 , 2019
Electronically Navigating the
October 7 , 2019
Questioning is a Bad Word
July 29 , 2019
Dismissal for Delay
May 7 , 2019
Rule 4.31 Fallacies
March 18 , 2019
More Dangers in Oral Fee Agreements
February 11 , 2019
Weir-Jones Decisions
January 9 , 2019
Discouraging Settlements
November 30, 2018
European Court Helps You Twice?
November 23 , 2018
Courts Overruling Tribunals
November 16 , 2018
New Evidence on Appeal
October 30 , 2018
Schedule C's Role
July 17 , 2018
Loopholes in Enforcing Settlements
May 7 , 2018
Enforcement of Procedure Rules
April 16, 2018
Limping Lawsuits are Often Doomed
April 3 , 2018
Court of Appeal Tips for Summary Decisions
March 19, 2018
Serious Dangers in Chambers
February 13 , 2018
Court Backlog
December 18 , 2017
Lowering the Status of Courts
September 15 , 2017
Access to Court Decisions
July 4 , 2017
Strictissimi Juris
June 14 , 2017
Why Don't Your Clients Settle?
June 5 , 2017
Gap in Rules About Parties
June 5, 2017
Personal Costs Against
April 26, 2017
Clogged Courts
April 11, 2017
Dismissal for Want of Prosecution
January 6, 2017
Incomplete Disclosure
December 15, 2016
November 23, 2016
Is Contract Interpretation Law? |

Côté’s Commentaries
© J.E. Côté 2016-2023
A recent King’s Bench decision first cites some basic correct law and properly finds that the negotiation privilege claimed exists. But then the decision orders the records disclosed anyway, by finding some kinds of exception to the privilege. The supposed exceptions are as follows:
(a) The privilege only exists where the document is being sought to establish evidence of liability or a weak cause of action;
(b) The privilege does not exist where the settlement records have relevance apart from establishing one party’s liability for the conduct which is the subject of the negotiations;
(c) The privilege exists to learn an amount only if it is relevant to learn or determine the appropriate compensation in the case, and not if it is merely from a similar or related case;
(d) The privilege only exists where the rule for Crown (public-interest immunity) of delicate negotiation or emergency producing a public danger, is met;
(e) The privilege does not exist if there would be limited prejudice from producing the records;
(f) The government had once stated that eventually the records in this group would be made public.
But the authority tendered here for any such exceptions (or narrowing of the privilege) is very thin. For some of these, no authority is cited. And the decision contradicts a great deal of binding authority to the contrary, some of it even cited earlier in this judgment.
The law of privilege has developed a great deal in the last 40 or 50 years, and Ontario and various academic writers have often lagged far behind the Alberta courts and the Supreme Court of Canada in that process. The only authorities here cited for the supposed exceptions or narrowing are a 48-year-old edition of a textbook published in Ontario, one Ontario Superior Court decision from 2009, and a 32-year-old Queen’s Bench decision on a completely different topic (in a case having nothing to do with settlement privilege).
The undoubted contrary rules of law and principles, decided by many judgments binding in Alberta, are as follows:
- Settlement privilege (like those for legal advice or litigation preparation) is a “class” privilege, which must be applied without weighing the policy or advantages or disadvantages in the individual case, whether by Wigmore’s 4 tests or otherwise.
- The tests for what creates settlement privilege do not depend upon any weighing of competing interests or policy, which exercise is forbidden.
- Settlement privilege lasts indefinitely, and does not end when the dispute or circumstances creating it for these records ends.
- Settlement privilege is important, broad, and is not to be narrowed down, and covers all parts of the discussions, and bars any use in court, substantive or procedural.
- It takes both parties to the negotiation to waive the privilege; waiver by one is ineffective.
- Settlement privilege applies whether or not the people or the interests are private or public.
- The exceptions to settlement privilege are few, to be narrowly construed, and are established ones, such as a communication which is itself an unlawful or fraudulent act, or preventing double recovery. The word “public” there is used in the sense of general policy or honesty, not in the sense of what the Crown or a government body owns or needs, nor in the sense of who the parties are, government or private. This being a true privilege, the courts cannot override it, even by considering the broader aspects of public policy or any policy of openness.
The recent decision is McDiarmaid Est. v. Alberta Infrastructure 2023 ABKB 14 (Jan 9).
– Hon. J.E. Côté
The Commentaries are intended to call the attention of lawyers to promising or threatening developments in the law, in civil procedure, in developing their skills, or simply to describe something curious, funny or intriguing.
The Hon. Jean Côté retired from the Court of Appeal of Alberta and would be willing to act as an arbitrator, mediator, or referee under Rules 6.44 and 6.45 of the Alberta Rules of Court.
He may be contacted through Juriliber at:
email: info@juriliber.com or phone 780-424-5345.