November 2, 2023
Records and Affidavit of Records |
November 2 , 2023
Uncommon Law |
October 20 , 2023
Expanding Judicial Review Evidence |
June 22, 2023
Competition v. Benefits |
June 19, 2023
Clogged Courts |
June 12, 2023
Preparing Applications in Uncertain Conditions |
May 8, 2023
Competence is a Delicate Flower |
March 30 , 2023
Urgent! Very Hard to Meet a Limitation Period |
March 13 , 2023
Parties to Planning Appeals |
March 7 , 2023
Costs in Family Law Litigation |
January 30 , 2023
Dodging Settlement Privilege |
January 4 , 2023
Lurking Dangers and Errors |
January 3 , 2023
Your Real Goals |
December 5 , 2022
Contracts for Higher Costs |
November 24 , 2022
Scope of Offers to Settle |
October 13 , 2022
Checklist for Cross-Examination |
September 16 , 2022
Reviewing Latest Changes |
August 22 , 2022
First Steps in Problem Solving |
July 28 , 2022
Checklist of Powerful Procedural Principles |
March 22 , 2022
Repeating a Cross-Examination Question
January 25 , 2022
Enforcing Land Sales Becomes Easier |
January 5 , 2022
Proving a Settlement After a Mediation
November 16, 2021
Types of Injunctions
October 1, 2021
Orders After Litigation is Over
August 11, 2021
Discoverability for Limitation Periods
August 5 , 2021
Releases of Claims
June 7 , 2021
Language Used Still Matters
May 17 , 2021
Serving Uncooperative People
April 15 , 2021
Death and After-Life of Contingency Agreements
February 22 , 2021
Legal Analysis
February 2 , 2021
Costs Clarified at Last
January 4 , 2021
December 10, 2020
Traps and Confusion in Service Times
November 24, 2020
Don't Cut Corners
October 2 , 2020
Consent Orders
August 4 , 2020
Electronic Hearings
July 21, 2020
Ceasing to Act
June 29, 2020
Writing Skills
June 29, 2020
Keeping Up With the Law
June 22, 2020
Assets as a Test for Security for Costs
June 19, 2020
What is This Case About?
June 11, 2020
Cross-Examining Child Witnesses
May 20 , 2020
Formal Offers
May 13 , 2020
Vexatious or Self-Represented Litigants
January 7, 2020
G.S.T. and Costs
December 20 , 2019
Electronically Navigating the
October 7 , 2019
Questioning is a Bad Word
July 29 , 2019
Dismissal for Delay
May 7 , 2019
Rule 4.31 Fallacies
March 18 , 2019
More Dangers in Oral Fee Agreements
February 11 , 2019
Weir-Jones Decisions
January 9 , 2019
Discouraging Settlements
November 30, 2018
European Court Helps You Twice?
November 23 , 2018
Courts Overruling Tribunals
November 16 , 2018
New Evidence on Appeal
October 30 , 2018
Schedule C's Role
July 17 , 2018
Loopholes in Enforcing Settlements
May 7 , 2018
Enforcement of Procedure Rules
April 16, 2018
Limping Lawsuits are Often Doomed
April 3 , 2018
Court of Appeal Tips for Summary Decisions
March 19, 2018
Serious Dangers in Chambers
February 13 , 2018
Court Backlog
December 18 , 2017
Lowering the Status of Courts
September 15 , 2017
Access to Court Decisions
July 4 , 2017
Strictissimi Juris
June 14 , 2017
Why Don't Your Clients Settle?
June 5 , 2017
Gap in Rules About Parties
June 5, 2017
Personal Costs Against
April 26, 2017
Clogged Courts
April 11, 2017
Dismissal for Want of Prosecution
January 6, 2017
Incomplete Disclosure
December 15, 2016
November 23, 2016
Is Contract Interpretation Law? |

Côté’s Commentaries
© J.E. Côté 2016-2023
A recent King’s Bench decision discusses preparing records for disclosure, and preparing an affidavit of records.
Here are some statements there which litigators should note:
1. Unambiguous identification is still required, so a description in the affidavit or a number on each sheet of the records, is needed (¶’s 18-19, 28, 32-33).
2. Whether or not the descriptions given are satisfactory, each individual record (or page of a record) must be numbered (¶’s 20, 24, R. 5.7).
3. Bundling can be useful, but is not mandatory where a computer generates numbering and adequate descriptions (¶ 21). Bundling is permissible if a party is short of resources, but a party must not bundle unrelated or over-large numbers of records. Still less may one do that to conceal (¶ 22). [Quaere as to a lawyer delegating all the work to others, or a different rule for parties with fewer resources.]
4. Where neither a bundle nor its contents are numbered, a party may have to number each page, stating the number of pages in each bundle (¶ 24).
5. A bundle is permissible only if its contents are “all of the same nature”, which is a stricter test than “meaningful grouping”. To be of the “same nature”, the records must either be all connected in some logical way, or each of the contents must be of the same type or class (such as an invoice or a bank statement or a common source) (¶’s 26-31, Rule 5.7).
6. A bundle must be described. That can be brief if all the documents are very similar, such as same type of document, source, and time period. More description is needed the more heterogeneous the contents of the bundle (¶ 32).
7. If the description of a bundle is insufficient, especially if there are some vague of “miscellaneous” terms, then the court may order a further and better affidavit of records (¶’s 32-33).
8. If the number and type of records for which privilege of common types (solicitors’ and litigation) is large, so that and the description make privilege curious or unlikely, that may exacerbate the need for better descriptions and maybe then inspection by a court referee (¶’s 37-42).
This decision is Starratt v. Chandran 2023 ABKB 609 (Oct 27).
I comment that R. 5.7 expressly orders that producible records each be briefly described, except that a bundle of the same nature of records sufficiently described removes a need to describe each record in that bundle. The latter part of this Rule certainly includes privileged records, and it seems to cover all records. I have never seen much point to (say) a 200-page description of individual records one by one, when all are part of the same series of invoices or correspondence between the same senders and recipients. There is a much fuller discussion of the legal and practical aspects of numbering, bundling, etc, in Côté, Systematic Advocacy: Planning to Win, Chapter 7 Parts J, K, and M (Juriliber 2017).
– Hon. J.E. Côté
The Commentaries are intended to call the attention of lawyers to promising or threatening developments in the law, in civil procedure, in developing their skills, or simply to describe something curious, funny or intriguing.
The Hon. Jean Côté retired from the Court of Appeal of Alberta and would be willing to act as an arbitrator, mediator, or referee under Rules 6.44 and 6.45 of the Alberta Rules of Court.
He may be contacted through Juriliber at:
email: info@juriliber.com or phone 780-424-5345.