December 15 , 2023
Limitation Periods Have Shrunk |
November 30 , 2023
Advocacy's Key |
November 28 , 2023
Motions Fritter Away Time and Money |
November 27 , 2023
Will Foreclosure History Repeat Itself? |
November 21 , 2023
Rules of Court Bind Even the King's Bench |
November 2, 2023
Records and Affidavit of Records |
November 2 , 2023
Uncommon Law |
October 20 , 2023
Expanding Judicial Review Evidence |
June 22, 2023
Competition v. Benefits |
June 19, 2023
Clogged Courts |
June 12, 2023
Preparing Applications in Uncertain Conditions |
May 8, 2023
Competence is a Delicate Flower |
March 30 , 2023
Urgent! Very Hard to Meet a Limitation Period |
March 13 , 2023
Parties to Planning Appeals |
March 7 , 2023
Costs in Family Law Litigation |
January 30 , 2023
Dodging Settlement Privilege |
January 4 , 2023
Lurking Dangers and Errors |
January 3 , 2023
Your Real Goals |
December 5 , 2022
Contracts for Higher Costs |
November 24 , 2022
Scope of Offers to Settle |
October 13 , 2022
Checklist for Cross-Examination |
September 16 , 2022
Reviewing Latest Changes |
August 22 , 2022
First Steps in Problem Solving |
July 28 , 2022
Checklist of Powerful Procedural Principles |
March 22 , 2022
Repeating a Cross-Examination Question
January 25 , 2022
Enforcing Land Sales Becomes Easier |
January 5 , 2022
Proving a Settlement After a Mediation
November 16, 2021
Types of Injunctions
October 1, 2021
Orders After Litigation is Over
August 11, 2021
Discoverability for Limitation Periods
August 5 , 2021
Releases of Claims
June 7 , 2021
Language Used Still Matters
May 17 , 2021
Serving Uncooperative People
April 15 , 2021
Death and After-Life of Contingency Agreements
February 22 , 2021
Legal Analysis
February 2 , 2021
Costs Clarified at Last
January 4 , 2021
December 10, 2020
Traps and Confusion in Service Times
November 24, 2020
Don't Cut Corners
October 2 , 2020
Consent Orders
August 4 , 2020
Electronic Hearings
July 21, 2020
Ceasing to Act
June 29, 2020
Writing Skills
June 29, 2020
Keeping Up With the Law
June 22, 2020
Assets as a Test for Security for Costs
June 19, 2020
What is This Case About?
June 11, 2020
Cross-Examining Child Witnesses
May 20 , 2020
Formal Offers
May 13 , 2020
Vexatious or Self-Represented Litigants
January 7, 2020
G.S.T. and Costs
December 20 , 2019
Electronically Navigating the
October 7 , 2019
Questioning is a Bad Word
July 29 , 2019
Dismissal for Delay
May 7 , 2019
Rule 4.31 Fallacies
March 18 , 2019
More Dangers in Oral Fee Agreements
February 11 , 2019
Weir-Jones Decisions
January 9 , 2019
Discouraging Settlements
November 30, 2018
European Court Helps You Twice?
November 23 , 2018
Courts Overruling Tribunals
November 16 , 2018
New Evidence on Appeal
October 30 , 2018
Schedule C's Role
July 17 , 2018
Loopholes in Enforcing Settlements
May 7 , 2018
Enforcement of Procedure Rules
April 16, 2018
Limping Lawsuits are Often Doomed
April 3 , 2018
Court of Appeal Tips for Summary Decisions
March 19, 2018
Serious Dangers in Chambers
February 13 , 2018
Court Backlog
December 18 , 2017
Lowering the Status of Courts
September 15 , 2017
Access to Court Decisions
July 4 , 2017
Strictissimi Juris
June 14 , 2017
Why Don't Your Clients Settle?
June 5 , 2017
Gap in Rules About Parties
June 5, 2017
Personal Costs Against
April 26, 2017
Clogged Courts
April 11, 2017
Dismissal for Want of Prosecution
January 6, 2017
Incomplete Disclosure
December 15, 2016
November 23, 2016
Is Contract Interpretation Law? |

Côté’s Commentaries
© J.E. Côté 2016-2023
For an advocate, binding law is the vital key in two situations. One situation is a quick contest with limited time or words, such as an application without a trial. Another is any proceeding before the Court of Appeal.
Why? At a trial, maybe facts often matter more than law. But most lawsuits never go to trial. Facts vary and are lengthy and complex. What is quick and uniform? Law, especially a clear statute or a binding appellate precedent.
“Not always in King’s Bench chambers”, you may think. But any decision in King’s Bench contrary to binding appellate authority (or an Act) has foundations of sand. Rain will wash it away. When the very able Brigadier Nolan was a senior Alberta litigator, he used to warn lawyers in his firm not to win in the trial court on grounds which they could not hold on appeal.
If you win in a trial-level court when there is a single Alberta Court of Appeal decision which even seems contrary, that will strongly tempt your opponent to appeal. But had you known about that decision earlier, you could have adjusted your evidence or arguments, or distinguished the precedent. That would have left no ground for appeal.
So never go very far down some path, without first checking whether the law clearly favors you. Occasionally trial-court judges state views contrary to binding authority (or statute). But usually that happens because no one has looked up and cited the binding authority. Few trial-level judges simply dislike known appellate authority (or statute) and are determined to dodge it.
Counsel and judges do not try to fly in the face of Supreme Court of Canada authority. But many counsel and a few judges simply do not think to emphasize Alberta appellate decisions, still less give them superior power. (Decisions of the N.W.T. and Nunavut Court’s of Appeal are almost as strong, given the very large overlap in those courts’ judges with the Alberta Court of Appeal.)
Why do so many lawyers and judges indiscriminately mix binding and non-binding authorities together in the same stew? Law schools often dislike seeing any appellate authority as binding, leaving the impression that trial-level and appellate-level authority are all the same. Or treat a distant appeal court’s decision as just as binding here as a decision by our local Court of Appeal. Therefore, counsel who looks up a topic online and is faced with 60 reported decisions on a topic, tends to read the latest four. If they are consistent, the lawyer then stops looking. Maybe only 3 of the 60 are Alberta Court of Appeal decisions, readily findable. But many counsel do not even look for them, let alone read them.
Raise your strongest point very early, maybe first. That is a key rule of advocacy. Do not wait until your opponent has plausibly presented lesser arguments, and begun to beguile the judge. True, some legal arguments can be long and complex. But usually you can quickly and simply present one or two binding appellate authorities on point.
Often opposing counsel’s arguments are lengthy and complex, relying on many different topics and subtopics. A binding piece of law (statute or appellate decision) often lets you bypass most of that complexity. To a busy judge in chambers, that can be manna from Heaven. One extremely able counsel used to say “Nothing is more frightening than an opposing counsel who comes up to the lectern carrying nothing but a loose part of the Supreme Court Reports.”
On a procedural application before one justice of the Court of Appeal, often you have to show that your case is arguable. How? Citing even one decision on point by the Alberta Court of Appeal may well suffice. And when a panel of three Justices hear an appeal, they need to know whether the law being considered is novel, or settled. That governs how the draft judgment is to be written and discussed before decision. Citing previous appellate authority usually settles that topic. It may even get you a victory without the panel of judges calling upon you to argue.
So whether you won or lost in the first court, you are likely to end up before the Court of Appeal, and lose there, if at the outset you did not check binding authority. The Court of Appeal rarely owes deference to the first court on extricable questions of law. Even if your research omission does not unconditionally put you out of court, the law which you never looked up may in turn require evidence which you never thought to provide. Nor think to cross-examine about. That’s often equally fatal.
– Hon. J.E. Côté
The Commentaries are intended to call the attention of lawyers to promising or threatening developments in the law, in civil procedure, in developing their skills, or simply to describe something curious, funny or intriguing.
The Hon. Jean Côté retired from the Court of Appeal of Alberta and would be willing to act as an arbitrator, mediator, or referee under Rules 6.44 and 6.45 of the Alberta Rules of Court.
He may be contacted through Juriliber at:
email: info@juriliber.com or phone 780-424-5345.